What is Permanent Life Insurance?
Provides lifelong protection and the ability to maintain a level premium.
Plan Rules:
Closed group - no new enrollees
Coverage through Chubb
Keep your coverage at the same cost even if you retire or change employers
Contact Campus Benefits help with filing a claim.
Phone: 1 (866) 433-7661 option 5

Included Riders
Accelerated Death Benefit: 50% of benefit amount up to $100,000
Long-Term Care: Receive 4% of death benefit for 25 months for long term care assistance (including home health care, assisted living, adult day care, and nursing home care)
Extension of Benefits for Long-Term Care: Extends length of long term care benefit from 25 months to 75 months
Restoration for Long-Term Care: Restores death benefit to no less than 50% of the face value for which your LTC benefits were based